Clinical Approaches


Blending various techniques that incorporate a healthy life will support you in living authentically. In my work, I like to look at the emotional, spiritual, physical and overall health of a person in order to create a harmony of these systems. Below are a few speciality areas that encompass this framework. 

Theoretical Frameworks

  • ACT (Acceptance Commitment Therapy) -blends acceptance, mindfulness and behavior changes together

  • DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy)-blends mindfulness, emotion regulation, distress tolerance and interpersonal effectiveness together

  • RO-DBT (Radically Open DBT)-challenges rigidity and over controlled thoughts and behaviors, increase more flexibility and openness to thoughts and beliefs about self and others

  • Polyvagal Theory -Looks at the nervous system and how to engage in regulation with flight/fright/freeze

  • ERP (Exposure Response Prevention)-explore systematic paths towards gentle exposure and helping you find ways to regulate your thoughts/mind/body/senses in order to calmly navigate something that has created intense distress in your life

  • Feminist & Queer Theory-Focuses on gender/sexuality and navigating bias, oppression, discrimination in your daily life

  • Anti-Racist Theory-Address’s how race impacts social, political, healthcare systems

  • Gestalt/Humanist-blending our conversations to increase awareness of authentic self and curiosity in actualizing empowerment in present life

LGBTQIA issues and challenges

I create a space of acceptance and self discovery to living openly as your authentic self. 

Using various education tools like the Genderbread, and Feminist and Queer theory's, I can help you understand intersectionality in sex, gender, desire and social, political and family constructs in your life. 

  • Transgender related challenges

  • Coming out

  • Sexuality

  • Parenting while identifying on the LGBTQ spectrum

  • Inclusion with family and friends

Fringe Topics: Kink, Polyamory, Ethical Non-Monogamy, Sex Work

  • Acceptance of self

  • Increase confidence

  • Finding healthy ways to communicate our needs

  • Increasing boundary setting to form healthy secure attachments in sexual relationships

  • Feelings that arise in non “traditional” structures of relationships

Other speciality topics

  • Trauma

  • Anxiety/OCD/Pure O

  • Neurodiversity

  • Grief/loss

  • Interpersonal conflict/self esteem

  • Multicultural identity (within individuals and family’s)

  • Chronic illness/disability related topics

  • Personality Disorders (OCD, Avoidant, Dependent, Borderline, Histrionic, Antisocial)

  • DID (dissociate identity disorder)

  • Family dynamics

  • Fertility (conception/family planning/IUI/IVF) and Adoption/Foster Care

  • Pregnancy related topics and complications (high risk pregnancy etc)

  • NICU journey’s and preemie life