Clinical Approaches
Blending various techniques that incorporate a healthy life will support you in living authentically. In my work, I like to look at the emotional, spiritual, physical and overall health of a person in order to create a harmony of these systems. Below are a few speciality areas that encompass this framework.
Theoretical Frameworks
ACT (Acceptance Commitment Therapy) -blends acceptance, mindfulness and behavior changes together
DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy)-blends mindfulness, emotion regulation, distress tolerance and interpersonal effectiveness together
RO-DBT (Radically Open DBT)-challenges rigidity and over controlled thoughts and behaviors, increase more flexibility and openness to thoughts and beliefs about self and others
Polyvagal Theory -Looks at the nervous system and how to engage in regulation with flight/fright/freeze
ERP (Exposure Response Prevention)-explore systematic paths towards gentle exposure and helping you find ways to regulate your thoughts/mind/body/senses in order to calmly navigate something that has created intense distress in your life
Feminist & Queer Theory-Focuses on gender/sexuality and navigating bias, oppression, discrimination in your daily life
Anti-Racist Theory-Address’s how race impacts social, political, healthcare systems
Gestalt/Humanist-blending our conversations to increase awareness of authentic self and curiosity in actualizing empowerment in present life
LGBTQIA issues and challenges
I create a space of acceptance and self discovery to living openly as your authentic self.
Using various education tools like the Genderbread, and Feminist and Queer theory's, I can help you understand intersectionality in sex, gender, desire and social, political and family constructs in your life.
Transgender related challenges
Coming out
Parenting while identifying on the LGBTQ spectrum
Inclusion with family and friends
Fringe Topics: Kink, Polyamory, Ethical Non-Monogamy, Sex Work
Acceptance of self
Increase confidence
Finding healthy ways to communicate our needs
Increasing boundary setting to form healthy secure attachments in sexual relationships
Feelings that arise in non “traditional” structures of relationships
Other speciality topics
Anxiety/OCD/Pure O
Interpersonal conflict/self esteem
Multicultural identity (within individuals and family’s)
Chronic illness/disability related topics
Personality Disorders (OCD, Avoidant, Dependent, Borderline, Histrionic, Antisocial)
DID (dissociate identity disorder)
Family dynamics
Fertility (conception/family planning/IUI/IVF) and Adoption/Foster Care
Pregnancy related topics and complications (high risk pregnancy etc)
NICU journey’s and preemie life